APC, American Power Conversion, Power Distribution, Network Enclosures

APC (American Power Conversion)

APC or American Power Conversion offers a comprehensive line of high availability solutions, including Disaster Prevention, Disaster Recovery, System Protection, Power Distribution, Network Enclosures, Cooling Equipment and much more!

SurgeArrest Notebook

APC SurgeArrest
Reliable power protection for Notebook computers, fax and answering machines


Protecting just the AC line for a notebook computer is not enough. Lightning or other damaging surges can enter and destroy your equipment through the phone line as well. The SurgeArrest Notebook Protector protects both paths - and guarantees it!


Model Information
-- V ( Nominal input voltage )
Technical Specifications Part Number Estimated Resale Price **
 SurgeArrest Notebook Pro C8 w/tel inline design 100-240V PNOTEPRO
44.99 USD To Order
 SurgeArrest Notebook Pro C6 inline design 100-240V PNOTEPRO3
44.99 USD To Order
120 V ( Nominal input voltage )
Technical Specifications Part Number Estimated Resale Price **
 SurgeArrest Notebook w/tel Wallmount 120V PNOTE1 19.99 USD To Order
* Denotes regional product availability by voltage requirement.
** Without TAX/VAT


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(800) 757-0800

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