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We sell and Recommend CA's ARCserveIT as industries choices for backup Software!
Backup DAT Storage          Backup DLT Storage           Backup Library Storage
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ARCserveIT s'AC dnemmocoR dna lles eW
Aerial Rack
(Aerial Array Disk SCSI Subsystem)
array_rack.gif (5570 bytes)

* Ultra 2 or Ultra WIDE SCSI Open Architecture Implementation
*RAID O/1, true RAID 3, RAID 5 and RAID 10 inter-flexibility
*Maximum Data Integrity with High Data Availability
*Total Storage and Power Fault Tolerance for Zero Array Downtime

*Item#    AER-R
*Price    Call

Aerial Tower
(Aerial Array Disk SCSI Subsystem)
tower-array.gif (8164 bytes)

*Ultra 2 or Ultra WIDE SCSI Open Architecture Implementation
* RAID O/1, true RAID 3, RAID 5 and RAID 10 inter-flexibility
*Maximum Data Integrity with High Data Availability
*Total Storage and Power Fault Tolerance for Zero Array Downtime

*Item#    AER-T
*Price    Call


Aerial DAT Backup Tape
dat.gif (6341 bytes)
*UP to 24GB per tape
*Internal Head Cleaner
*Int. or Ext. Device Models
*Item#    A-DAT
*Price    Call
Aerial DLT Tape Drive
dltnew.gif (9398 bytes)
*UP to 70GB per tape
*DLT Design Technology

*Int. or Ext. Device Models
*Item#    A-DLT
*Price    Call


Aerial 8mm Tape Subsystem
8mm-xx.gif (4985 bytes)
* UP to 40GB per tape
*IDRC Data Compressio
*Int. or Ext. Device Models
*Item#    A-8MM
*Price    Call

Aerial SCSI Enhancement Kit
sek1.gif (9613 bytes)
*UP to 40MB/s Transfers
*Flash PROM
*Optimizes SCSI I/O

*Item#     SCSIKT
*Price    Call

Call Our Sales, Services & Support Specialists At:
(810) 231-2883
(800) 757-0800

If you have comments or suggestions, email us at

Netattach, Server, Storage, NAS

All logos, graphics and trademarks mentioned are the properties of their respective owners.
(C) 2003 CamCorpUSA. All rights reserved