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Import Graphics Files in EasyCopy

EasyCGM from autoGraph international (AGI) extends the capabilities of the EasyCopy programs (EasyConvert Plus, EasyCopy Silver, EasyCopy Gold) with the support for graphics file formats ("vector graphics").

In the EasyCopy Montage Canvas mode vector files is kept as original(referenced in an unmodified form) for full scalability and resolution control.

EasyCGM is installed together with EasyCopy as a seamless extension to the graphical user interface. It allows you to view and print graphics files in the same way as image files on any printer supported by EasyCopy.

CGM Support

EasyCGM supports import of
  • Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM).Industry CGM standards and seismic extensions including ISO CGM Version 1, 2, 3, and 4 (WebCGM), ATA, CALS, CGM+, and CGM*PIP.
    Click here to see further details.
    Refer also to our CGM White Paper.

Also Support for HP-GL

A license for EasyCGM also includes the program EasyHPGL that lets you import HP-GL and HP-GL/2 files in the same way as you import CGM.


EasyCGM lets you select, view, and print graphics files in the same way as you select and view image files by means of the Open, View, and Print commands in the graphical user interface of EasyCopy.


Visualization - CGM Viewer

You can thus use EasyCGM as a convenient CGM viewer. Enjoy the benefits of having the same program on all platforms to view these file formats:

Supported File Formats

CALS Raster Type 1   
CATIA Picture Files   
CCITT Group 3 and 4 (TIFF class F)   
CGM (**)   
EMF (***)   
GIF 87a and 89a   
Ideas Picture File (input)   
HP-GL (*)   
JPEG, incl. Baseline, Extended Sequential mode (8/12 bits per color), Progressive mode, and Lossless JPEG.   
JPEG 2000, incl. Reversible and irreversible modes.   
LAY (****)   
LAYZ (****)  
OS/2 Bitmap (BMP)   
Portable Bit Map (PBM)   
Silicon Graphics RGB   
SUN Raster   
Text files   
TIFF, incl. Bilevel, Gray, Pallette, RGB. Support for LZW, Packbits, Facsimile and JPEG compressions   
Windows Bitmap (BMP)   
WMF (***)   
X Windows Dump (XWD)

   *: Input only. Requires EasyCGM.
  **: CGM output as cell array. CGM input requires EasyCGM.
  ***: Input only. Requires EasyCopy Gold
  ****: Internal Vector format with reference to original file(s). Requires EasyCopy Gold


EasyCopy also supports automatic decompression of common compressed files (.Z, .gz, .zip). Additional filters can be installed to support import of other formats.


PostScript, PDF and Text Files
  • EasyCopy Gold imports these files by means of Ghostscript (installed with the product) and converts them to any of the supported image formats.

Vector Graphic
  • With the licensable option EasyCGM you can import vector files (CGM, HP-GL) and convert them to any of the supported image formats.

Custom Filters
  • EasyCopy Gold can be extended with custom filters to implement support of additional image formats.

  • EasyCopy Gold supports multiple pages in PDF, PostScript, and TIFF files.

CGM Converter

With EasyCGM you have all the file format conversion options of EasyCopy. This means that you can convert any CGM or HP-GL file to a raster image in any of the supported file formats (including a CGM cell array and a PDF image file).

Markup and Annotation

With EasyCopy's Montage package (part of an EasyCopy Gold license) you have the perfect tool for markup and annotation when you need to exchange information and comments related to a CGM file with co-workers.

You can print, save, convert, and even mail the annotated picture directly from EasyCopy.


You can also use CGM Montage to make slides and posters ideal for documentation and presentation. It eliminates the need for a third product to convert your CGM file to a form which can be included in your favorite program for desktop presentations. EasyCopy will become your new favorite, and with the EasyCGM option it has the full GCM support you always wanted...

EasyCGM is available for major UNIX and Windows platforms:

  • AIX 4.3+
  • HP-UX 10.2+
  • IRIX 6.5+
  • Linux (i386 or Intel IA64)
  • Solaris (SPARCstation) 2.6+
  • Windows (2000/XP)

    The CGM support in EasyCGM includes CGM 3 and seismic extensions.
    EasyCGM allows you to convert a graphics file to an image file, for example CGM to TIFF.
    A license for EasyCGM includes both CGM and HP-GL.


   EasyCopy 8.4

Click here for more information and  Download EasyCopy for product evaluation.

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