NEWSLETTER  ::  September, 2010


Another Easy in EasyCopy: TIFF view made easy – even convert to PPT or PDF from any size, type or compression


TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) is an open, well documented standard created by many vendors like Catia, UG and other application providers. It is a popular format because of it’s flexibility and many tags + free viewers. This may be the reason for selecting TIFF as a well-suited archival format over the long haul.


These very advantages - however – also have drawbacks. PowerPoint, for instance, will not insert tiled TIFFs, TIFFs of a certain size, or TIFFs saved with some compression schemes.

TIFFs in their uncompressed form easily get so large that the office products like Word, PowerPoint and the free viewers cannot read them. To create smaller files TIFF as a format has options for using almost all the various compression types ever invented. They may also be tiled for easier handling.

So in short – they may be too big or too varied.


Answer to above drawbacks is EasyCopy.  (Click here for more)

EasyCopy Graphics Suite 8.5 Windows Integration Eliminates PowerPoint’s Limitations (file size, scaling, file formats, plotting and marginal previews).


The EasyCopy Graphics Suite meets PowerPoint face-to-face in the 8.5 release.  The Graphics Suite steps in to address the spots where PowerPoint falls short.  In earlier versions, EasyCopy was used as a pre-processor with great success, but the PowerPoint limitations remained, i.e., file size, scaling, unsupported file formats, poor previews, and difficulties in plotting.


With the 8.5 release of the EasyCopy Graphics Suite (EasyCopy, EasyCGM & EasyVect) the user begins and finishes in montage.  Work with the CGMs, PDFs, stitched PDFs, and direct screen captures to the montage canvas as well as any of the file formats supported by EasyCopy.  Then, work with EasyCopy’s excellent drawing tools and the advanced zoom and crop functionality.  When satisfied with the result, save the montage as a .ppt file and place it directly into PowerPoint for use in presentations.  Now, how easy is that?! (Click here for more).


Why Should the Autos use CGM files?



The reason is in understanding the above Raster image vs Vector image.


Click on the following White Paper: “How to understand the difference between Vector and Bitmap images



Why Vector Files? Have you ever complained about jagged lines?


EasyVect = vector output = vector editing


EasyVect is part of the EasyCopy Graphics Suite. You can add the EasyVect module to your existing EasyCopy /EasyCGM licenses and upgrade your licenses to a full vector package for output of CGM, EMF, PDF, PS, SVG and PPT. ( PPT Windows only)


Not all graphics are created equal, as you may have noticed. They do not always come out as expected.. Sometimes your favorite applications won’t read them correctly, or simply dies trying. Sometimes working with graphics is frustrating! With EasyVect you get a powerful converter offering you full control and scalability....Click here for more.



Our Customers direct our EasyCopy R&D.



Below is some feedback we received from one of our Catia users and is included to illustrate we listen and encourage our customers to tells us the Good Bad & Ugly.                                                          

  • The EasyCopy CGM support is better than most both in correctly representing arcs and placing constrained text.
  • The line definitions are from CATIA which are driven by our engineering requirements. NOTE: The CGM Open Committee has failed to address a definitive definition for line types using dots and dashes (Line Type 2-5). Solved.
  • A bitonality tile problem was solved.
  • Problems with correct representation of CATIA hatch patterns (negative hatch definition problem). Solved.
  • The negative lines are now displayed correctly.
  • The hatch problem with the CGM Test file containing hatch displays has been corrected.


All changes and added features for EasyCopy are the result of our customers. Sometimes the changes requested are very pointed or useful for one customer or a group of customers from one industry and/or country. One of our challenges is to determine, which added feature is universally desired through-out the various industries. Thank you for your help and please keep the emails and phone calls coming.


EasyCopy Release Version 8.5.3 - released August 19, 2010


As bug fixes and new features become available between major releases, they are compiled and the new version (ID August 19, 2010) is available from our web site (

Who should upgrade?

Download the new version from our web site :


Are You in China? So are We.


EasyCopy is available in China with our Chinese Edition. Our translation projected was completed by our team located  at CamCorpUSA in Michigan.


CamCorpUSA does offer English to Chinese or Chinese to English translating on a project basis. If you or your partner companies require such services please contact  Li Wu ( or 810-231-2883).

Contact Us

C.A.M. Corp.

4730 E. M-36 Hwy

Pinckney, MI 48169


(810) 231-2883 (tel.)

