Press Release


C.A.M. Corporation - 15 years of partnership

In December 2007 Lisbeth and Jorgen Andersen went to Detroit to celebrate 15 years of partnership with C.A.M. Corporation Inc.

Dave Brownlee Sr. from C.A.M. Corporation has successfully represented The EasyCopy Company in the Midwest since 1992 where C.A.M. corporation functions both as helpdesk and sales organisation.

The trip also included meetings with large car manufacturers and Tier 1 suppliers where the new EasyCopy 8.2 was very well received. EasyCopy 8.2 is available in 64 bit versions for both Windows and Linux.

The general comments were that EasyCopy is an increasingly more important companion product to the large CAD applications like CATIA and Unigraphics providing easy to use tools for all the daily tasks of the designers.


On the picture you see Kathy Brownlee, Dave Brownlee Sr., David Brownlee Jr.(back), Carrie Buszka (front) , Jorgen and Lisbeth Andersen.